Tuesday, March 24, 2009

QIC&AC, Delhi: Monthly Meeting, March 2009

Date: 12.03.09 at 2.30PM-04:00PM
Venue: CRY (Meeting Room), DDA slum wing, Barat ghar, Bapupark, Kotla Mubarak pur, New Delhi-03,

Mr. Jitendra Kr. Singh, Pahal
Ms. Ritu Mehra, Pardarshita
Mr. Afsar Ahmed Khan, HRLN
Ms. Shweta Verma, Saarthak
Ms. Smita Sinha, CRY
Ms. Sharon Ahmed, CRY
Ms. Kesar Parveen, QIC & AC Delhi

Apologies received:
1. Mr. MM Vidhyarthi, CWC
2. Ms. Mamta Sahey, CWC
3. Mr. Vikram Dutt, Udayan Care
4. Ms. Kiran Modi, Udayan Care
5. Ms. Preeti, Deepalya
6. Mr. Sanjay Joshi,
7. Mr. Bhupendra Kr., Prayas
8. Mr. Zaved, Butterflies
9. Mr. Sudhir Bhatnagar, Sard

Agenda of the Meeting:
To prepare follow up action-plan of Mental Health Consultation held on 6th & 7th Feb. 2009
Discuss the current Status of PIL-Child Labour (Pending before court)
To plan State Consultation in the light of Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill (Surrogacy) & concept clarity among the group
To share draft of QIC&AC: Newsletter for seeking suggestions.
Draft of IEC material on adoption for seeking suggestions
Current Status of RTI filed on child labour
Any other issue taken up by the group

Before starting, group kept one minute silence to show condolence for the tragedy has happened in the family of Mr. Dhaneshwar Yadav, AIIMS & thematic head, QIC&AC.

Points Discussed:

For the new members presented on the day Ms. Sharon S. Ahmed & Ms. Kesar Parveen shared the objectives and activities planned under QIC&AC.
Discussion was held on the draft copy of newsletter and IEC material circulated among the group. Further, group was asked to come up with their suggestions for finalization of the document.
Mr. Jitendra shared the current status of the RTI’s filed to address “the Pilot Project started to eradicate child labour” by labour dept. At the end, it was learnt that more time is required to finalize/compile the status report/observations about the Pilot Project implemented by Labour dept. in north-west district, Delhi.
Ms. Ritu also shared her experience of using RTI.
The group discussed the serious concern about the presence of very few members on the day due to which presented group decided to reschedule the meeting to discuss on the agendas set for the day. On this Ms. Kesar Parven shared her concern that almost all members are aware that every 2nd Thursday of the month is fixed for the monthly meeting and it is expected from the members that they respond on the meeting notices they are receiving regularly.

The Meeting ended with vote of thanks by coordinator QIC&AC, Delhi.