Monday, February 9, 2009

QIC&AC Delhi, Care Givers Consultation-Jan.09

Time: 2:30PM-04:40PM
Date: 30.01.09

Venue: Udayan Care office, 16/97A, Vikram Vihar, Lajpat Nagar IV, behind Vikram Hotel

MM Vidhyarthi, CWC, Lajpat Ng.
Mamta Sahai, Savera/ CWC MayurVihar
Kiron Modi, Udayan Care
Vikram Dutt, Udayan Care
Ranjan Ghosh, Udayan Care
Sheela Goyal, Udyan Care
Shubhra Shahare, Udayan Care
Zaved, Butterflies
Bishwanth Mahato, Butterflies
Anita Rawat, Butterflies
Surya Prakash, SBT
Shashi Singh, SBT
Preeti, Deepalaya
Dharamveer Singh, Deepalaya
Rashmi Nair, Deepalaya
Dr. Alok Kumar Bhuwan, Manovikas Charitable Society
Kumari Gareema, Manovikas charitiable society, (BRAC, DU)
Dooly, (BRAC, DU)
S.P. Sharma, Bal Sahyog
Megha Sharma, Manovikas Charitable Society (BRAC, DU)
Pooja Negi, Trainee (BRAC, DU)
Ravi KantYadav, Trainee (BRAC, DU)
Kesar Parveen, Project Officer, QIC&AC Delhi

Agenda of the Meeting:
To discuss the concerns and experiences by the care givers working in the Children Homes from the selected organizations who will speak/discuss their experiences on the day of Mental Health Consultation on 6th & 7th Feb.09.

Before starting, Vikram Dutt Ji introduced Dr. Alok Kr. Bhuwan from Manuvikas Charitable Trust (MVCT) and invites him to explain the model of MVCT. Dr. Alok talked about the respite care provided to the parents of the special children and the need of habilitation of the special children. Before 6yrs. he started providing respite care services to parents of handicapped children. He also shared that there are only 150 respite care centers in India.

On the day, most of the participants were new therefore all were introduced themselves with there area of interest and expertise.

To establish the common understanding on the agenda i.e. Mental Health as per the JJ System, Kiran Modi Ji stated S-46 for the participants.

Points Discussed:

Mr. Dharamveer, Deepalaya initiated the talk shared about the strategy they have adopted to serve the best services to the children. Acc. to him, when they found children at railway station they record the physical appearance of the child which is usually not satisfactory. Then they immediately send them to counselor who tries to take the background details and prepared their individual report. If child able to write they prefer to take the details in his/her own writing. Same time care takers continuously observe their activities to analyze the status to plan the future action.
Activities such as: feel isolated and not accepted the scheduled activities as they usually like to live their own free life.
One thing commonly accepted by the participants is that children run away from their houses due to the want of love and affection. And so we should not scold them when they reached at our Homes.

He shared that as perhis views, when children are not ready to share and we force them. This would affect on their perception. In view of this only he himself also prefer to walk out on such instances but keep watching on their activities and tries to join them to create the accepted environment to them.

Ms. Shashi, SBT added, she prefers to engage the children after their admission in Home.

Here, Mr. Vikram Dutt put up his concern regarding the behavioural changes children usually come across after their admission in Homes.

Mr. S.P. Sharma, Balsahyog, introduced his organization & its fabulous work with children. He shared, they started residential Home in 2005 only. Earlier they provided services to people from lower economic group and identify needy children and facilitate them in getting vocational training from various agencies. In the initial days Ms. Indira Gandhi regularly visited balsahyog and listen their problems. Latter with the object to address their problems they started organizing “child conference”.

Mr. Dutt while facilitating the talk put forward his concern that children are already come from distress and we are also pushing them towards discipline, education & hygiene. Besides, children usually catches their pear group and so do involve in some god as well as bad habits. What would be the strategy to handle such situation and to handle the negative influence?

Mr. Bishwanath Mahato added that some times two children start fighting due to “n” number of reasons. At such instances it would be very difficult to resolve the crises. After elaborated discussion on the same it was come out that rational approach is very important to get the positive outcome. Such as, to give some punishment to both the parties to made them understand that they both are important and equal before care givers. Therefore indirect massage sould be given to them that they are cared by someone.

Mr. Dutt put forward several examples from Udayan Care for the common understanding on the issues of concerns while dealing with children and so facilitates the care givers to analyze their experiences when they deal with the problem of bad habits i.e. speak lie, stealing things, withdrawal of studies. He asked them to share their own strategies to tackle with such problems.

On this, all care givers started putting forward such situations they ever faced. Few of them are:
1) Violent behavior of the child
2) Use of abusive language
3) Not ready to go to school
This discussion emerge the quarry that what would be the first reaction of the care givers & how they tries to stop such behaviour either by slapping the child or with the polite attitude.

Here, Ms. Kiran Modi, Udayan Care shared that Child protection Policy should be the part of ACT so that we ensure the optimum standards to be followed at all Homes.

Mr. Ranjan, Udayan Care, showed his disagreement with Mr. Dharamveer when he says he leave the child alone when he was not ready to cooperate/share. He added, he tries to join the child’s activity even though he showed non cooperative behaviour till the time child didn’t start thinking to join him in his activities as he does

After the prolonged discussion group consented that caregivers may have different strategy to handle the same situation but fact lies in the intention & expected outcome which should be in the best interest of the child. Mr. Dutt added that Mental Health is not a medicine, it is a long term treatment. Mr. Ranjan added that he provided special care to the problem children and also consulted to Dr. Deepak Gupta, Psychiatrist, when ever needed.

Mr. Dutt continue to facilitate the discussion by putting the concerned issues such as, handling of girl child who has been raped several times and at last reached to Home. Ms. Shashi, SBT, shared that in one of her case a girl child was not ready to share about herself. When she ignored her she herself came forward to share the details.
Ms. Sheela, Udayan Care accepted that some times even after the best efforts they were not found the positive change in the child. On this Mr. Dutt said that is children have the same understanding of love & affection what others have. By putting example he tries to focus on the perception of the children and applied the participants not to influence from their personal believes/ perceptions. It may be happened that we are saying to the child that call us mother but he/she has some bad memory attached with this word “mother”.

Mr. Dutt also shared that it is the hard reality to accept that even though girl child may safe on street from rape but almost all male children on the streets are the victim of sodomy.

Mr. Dutt address the problem of changing statements by the children. Through putting examples, he shared the tendency of cognitive development in the children. In which they were not hiding information purposely. But it is because of common believe of reminding only good memories. Therefore according to him strategy to handle the memories should not to “forget them” but it should be to “accept them”

Mr. S. Prakash, SBT, said that care givers should recognize their work then only other will do. Also they should not take any failure as a personal failure. Mr. Sharma, Balsahyog added, if they provide space to the children to speak and share, most of the problem get resolved at their initial level only. He shared about the provision of children conference they have adopted and get the positive change in the behaviour & attitude of the children.

At the end, Dr. Alok shared about the difference between their services under the National Trust Act with the professional care givers who works on the behaviour of the children whose chronicle age would be more then 18yrs. but mental age is less then 18yrs.

Mr. Dutt suggested to Alok ji organizing capacity building programme for the caregivers while handling the mentally challenged children.

Outcome of the discussion: Parameters were decided for the final representation by the care givers on the day of mental health consultation. Parameters revolve around the problems such as:
a) Speaking lies;
b) Violence;
c) Ignoring studies; and
d) Non-cooperation etc.
· Ms. Preeti, Deepalaya agreed to record this particular session on the day of Mental Health Consultation.
· Capacity building prog. would be organized by Dr. Alok, Manovikas to orient the care givers to deal with special children more professionally.

QIC&AC Delhi, Core Group Meeting-January 09

Date: 16.01.09 at 3.00PM-04:00PM
Venue: CRY (Meeting Room), DDA slum wing, Barat ghar, Bapupark, Kotla Mubarak pur, New Delhi-3,

Suman Deo Dingh, CWC Nirmal Chayya Complex
M.M. Vidharthi, Samarth
Vikram Dutt, Udayan Care
Vikram Srivastava, CRY
Zaved N. Rahman, Butterflies
Neelam Matai, Save the Children India, Delhi
Kesar Parveen, Project Officer, QIC & AC Delhi

Apologies received:

· Kiran Modi, Udayan Care

Agenda of the Meeting:

Discussion on Workshop scheduled on 6th & 7th February 2009 on “Positive Mental Health and Well Being of Children in Institutional Care” (under the JJ Act) in the light of JJ Rules (Rule-46).

Before starting, group kept one minute silence to show condolence for the tragedy has happened in the family of Mr. Oberio, CWC Mayur Vihar.

Points Discussed:

· Vikram Dutt, briefed about the workshop planned on the issue of mental health and JJ Rules i.e. Rule-46 & its mandatory provisions according to which workshop would focused on the administrative as well as technical aspects.
· Discussion started on making provisions/importance of colors in the Children Homes such as availability of colorful blankets for the children in Homes, colorful boundaries of children Homes etc.
· Vikram Dutt
shared that Rule-46 of JJ Rules says about the provision of Mental Health but very few organizations maintain separate budget head to address the issue.
· Certain suggestions were given by Vikram Srivastava, regarding workshop as:
# He would like to invite some one from the W. Bengal, CRY office for the workshop who will talk on the issue given otherwise he himself will be available for the same.
# He emphasized on the ensure outcomes from the workshop which should be come out at the end of each session only.
# How to conclude at the end of the workshop which ensures the sign/stamp of NCPCR on the Guidelines prepared
# Media would be invited to cover the event. Ms. Sumitra, communication, CRY would facilitate for the same. She would be contacted by Vikram Dutt.
# Relevant reading material should be prepared for the participants in the form of IEC kit for clarity on the issue.
· On the detailed discussion on the IEC material it was mutually decided that following topics would be covered: reports of the consultations held by QIC&AC on the issue, Note on mental retardation, note on post trauma needs, S-46 of JJ Rules or any other specific legal provisions, and a page of bibliography, any other suggested by the group etc. this responsibility has been taken by Vikram Dutt.

· Members presented, shared their concern that in case of immediate need while handling of the children in need of care & protection, some group would be available (full time) to them to facilitate the required information. So a core group would be formed who provide such services to them.
· It was decided that expenses for the workshop would be managed by Udayan Care, some amount of which will be later reimbursed by QIC&AC.
· A separate session would be planned on Listening skills in the workshop.
· Detailed discussion has been held on the draft of the module prepared for the workshop.
· Sessions should in the end focus on the out comes/Guidelines. Also with the points under the head facilities available/ not available.
· It was suggested that for the success of the workshop it is important to decide the contents as per the view point of the care givers.
· 02:30PM-04:30PM on 30th Jan.09 is fixed for the consultation at Udayan Care by the Care givers from the selected organizations to discuss the contents of their sharing on the day of workshop.
· Ms.Rachna of Asha Kiran would be approached by Kesar Parveen & Vidhyariti ji.
Vidhyariti ji would send invitation letter to the govt. homes. Draft would be given by Vikram Dutt.
· In Delhi 43 children care institutions are functional as per the information available with Vidhyariti Ji. He would facilitate Kesar Parveen in preparing the mailing list of the same.
· Documentation for the workshop would be done by Neelam Maiti and Vaidhi and same will be edited by Vikram Dutt.
· Kesar Parveen with volunteers forms a group and mutually decide the roles & responsibilities for the workshop.
· Ms. Sarita Sarangi, member CWC, Mayur Vihar would be contacted by Vikram Dutt. Also invitation letters to the resource persons would be sent by him.
· Invitations for the workshop should carry 3 attachments i.e CPP, Schedule & concept note by 20th Jan. 09.
· Vidhyariti ji and Suman ji (CWC) informed the group that they usually refer the child to the counselor but they themselves are aware that there are no counselors available in the Home. They are trying to bring this in the notice of the authority or this issue would be take up by QIC&AC. Besides, group discussed the eligibility criteria for the counselors. As per the group view it should not be MSW students but a short term certificate course would be introduced to ensure the quality counselors.

Outcome of the discussion:

To step forward as discussed about the roles and responsibilities of the individual members.

QIC&AC Delhi, Monthly Meeting- January 09

Date: 09.01.09 at 2.30PM-05:00PM
Venue: Udayan Care office, 16/97A, Vikram Vihar, Lajpat Nagar IV, behind Vikram Hotel

Kiron Modi, Udayan Care
Mamta Sahai, Savera/ CWC MayurVihar
Surya Prakash, Salam Balak Trust
Preeti, Deepalaya
Antara, Volunteer,Udayan Care
Kesar Parveen, Project Officer, QIC & AC Delhi
Vikram Dutt, Udayan Care
Zaved N. Rahman, Butterflies
Sharon Ahmed, CRY
Bhupendra Kumar, Prayas
Neelam Matai, Save the Children India, Delhi
Amit Jha, Volunteer, CRY
Vaidihi Krishnan, Udayan Care
Pubali Agarwal, Delhi University
Shaoor A. Khan, Blessing society

Apologies received:
Jeetender, Pahal.
Vikram Srisvastava, CRY

Agenda of the Meeting:
To discuss the scope of having signed CPP in all the organization. Where it seems all organizations have certain standards to follow but no one have the signed policy to follow. Concern is if we can’t have policy in place where is the proof that we are committed to the cause.
Change of date for the workshop planned for care takers from 30th & 31st Jan. 09. to 6th & 7th Feb. 09. and to discuss the contents of the module for the workshop.
After the Introduction round, the discussion initiated by Vikram Dutt, Udayan care with the welcome note. He also briefed the background of this network before the new members.
Also, new member Kesar Parveen has been formally introduced with the group who has joined in place of Jainta Saikia.

Points Discussed:
Mamta Sahai, CWC Member briefed the group about the role of CWC and suggested that people should have their contact numbers so that they can directly access them in case of need. She got the hard copy containing case studies which would give the idea about the scope of the working area of the CWC. Same would be made available by Vikram Dutt to the group.
Mamta Sahai, CWC Member provided the contact details of Mr. Amod Kumar, St. Stephen’s Hospital to Kesar Parveen, who would like to be a member of QIC&AC, Delhi.
Vikram Dutt suggested that all the member of QIC&AC should read and than only sign the CPP.
Pubali, Neelam and Antra decided to sit together on 11th Jan. 09 to discuss the CPP & would give their feedback by 14th Jan. 09. Also, feedback on the same would be welcoming from the group.
It was suggested that all members should read JJ Act which is available on the site. Also, Amendment in S-46 and its fruit-full ness in addressing the mental health issues were discussed in details.
Suggestion was given that some refresher course would be made mandatory for the care takers to ensure the quality services to the children.
One visit to Prayas Observation Home would be planned by all the members to have the fair idea about the challenges faced by the care takers. Kesar Parveen initiate to coordinate.

Module of the workshop on the issue of Mental Health:
The discussion was focused on the respite care for the care takers. In which it was decided that a session would be planed under the head “ caring for carers”
Regarding the workshop, Vikram Dutt shared that from the workshop few outcomes are expected such as:
1) Develop the draft copy of the guidelines
2) Emerge new topics or issues of concern
3) Plan national workshop in October 09 where final manual/guidelines will be developed.

Outcome of the discussion:
Step forward to implement the CPP after getting the final comments on the draft copy by 14th Jan.09.
Date for the workshop will be finalized i.e. 6th & 7th Feb. 09 where the care takers from different NGOs and government run homes will be participated.

QIC&AC Delhi, Monthly Meeting-December 08

Date: 4.12.08 at 2.30 pm
Venue: Udayan Care office, 16/97A, Vikram Vihar, Lajpat Nagar IV, behind Vikram Hotel

Kiron Modi, Udayan Care
Mamta Sahai, Svera/ CWC East, member
M M Vidyarthi, Samarth
S P Shukla, Salam Balak Trust
Ajin Mary Verghese, Deepalaya
Ritu Mehra, Pardarshita
D Yadav, Paediatrics Department, AIIMS
Vikram Srivastava, CRY
Antra, Udayan Care
Jayanta Saikia, Assistant Coordinator, QIC & AC Delhi
Binod Kumar Singh, NIRMAN
Vikram Duut, Udayan Care
Gerry Pinto, Butterflies
Zaved N. Rahman, Butterflies
Mamta Malik, Chronic Care Foundation
Rakesh Kr Verma, Udayan Care
Nisha. Bal Vikash Dhara
Dr Deepak , Udayan Care & Sir Gangaram Hospital

Agenda of the Meeting: To discuss the scope of the workshops on Positive Mental Health and Well Being & how to move in this direction.

After the Introduction round, the discussion started with the welcome speech by Kiran Modi and Vikram Dutt, Udayan care.

Briefing the concept of positive mental health, Kiron Modi, said that mental health doesn’t mean the mentally challenge sections. Keeping in mind, the past hazardous and traumatic experience of the child, an effort for an overall protection of the child is felt where positive mental health plays a vital role. So basically this meeting is in the direction of developing an operational manual.

Brief backgrounder:
Vikram Dutt, thematic leader on Mental Health of QIC & AC Delhi, briefed the background of this move before the new members about his discussion with Shanta Sinha, chairman, NCPCR, approval of the QIC & AC members in the last meeting held in CRY office on 26.11.08 and on 27th November, i.e. the day after the QIC&AC meeting a Consultation with CWC Members was held in Udayan care office wher the CWC members too expressed their solidarity. He emphasized on flagging the gray areas on mental health in India, as well as developing a plan to work in that direction. He said it will be better to start with the residential children and diversify latter. He also mentioned the note sent to NCPCR & NHRC by Gerry Pinto.

Mental Health service Audit in Juvenile Homes:
Gery Pinto, referred the presentation on mental health happened two weeks before by NHRC. The study “Mental health Scenario in India” submitted my Vice chancellor of NUMANS brought the Judicial attention and it follow up to a PIL questioning how children are look after in Mental Asylum.

Analyzing the present scenario, where children have been got struck, in the ongoing ping pong between the Government and Ngos, he held this is the high time to take initiative and the crucial question comes before us that, “Can we do a Mental Health service Audit in the Juvenile Homes?”

From Aruna Sharma, Joint Secretary of NHRC, it was assured to him that this issue was put in the resolution.
The Social Audit will figure out:
Capacity of Stuff
Facility available/ not available
Contain to include orientation
This will be instrumental to develop a module in Delhi.
He also added that a letter has been sent to D Mukherji, Joint Secretary, Woman & Child department and this initiative is set up in motion from that angle.

Involving the Academia in research on Mental Health:
Kiron Modi and Gery Pinto, agreed in involving the academicians in this process and need of concurrent research on this areas by student. The members like Vikram Dutt expressed that this could be done by exploring our QIC & AC Delhi members from the Delhi university, Jamia Milia Islamia and other institutes in Delhi.

Challenges before the group:
MM Vidyarthi analyzed the two aspects of JJ Act:
a) Actual Mental Health Programme
b) Paper work under documentation
He said though it is mandatory under JJ Act , there is clear evidence that no man power, expertise or orientation progamme is available in this direction on the present date.
The Challenges before the group as he stated:
I) How to explore the scope of social audit on mental health in the existing homes?
II) How to introduce Mental Health which is relatively a new concept to most of the people?
III) How to equip CWC or other homes run by Government or NGOs?
IV) How to equip our selves to go ahead in this direction?
V) How to develop module/ format/tool/ step for Mental Health?

VI) What are the documentations or paper work, has to be done before the two days programme going to be held in January?
Kiron Modi also throwing light on the total illiteracy, lack of parameter on Mental Health, held “How to sustain without a training /module?” and stated:
I) Tools could be developed out of this initiative to equip the care takers.
II) Effort to energies the care givers by counseling and addressing their problems.
The suggestion comes before the group, from Gery Pinto, to set up a mixed group of people from different layers of civil society like academician, media persons & NGOs, and move towards a sharp designing programme.

Issues to be flagged out:
Vikram Srivastava from CRY suggested, figuring out the issues that has to be addressed in this period before the consultation on January like:
I) Figuring out the gaps in JJ act
II) Quality of care giver
III) Infrastructure
IV) Developing a monitoring skill in the Government
V) Capacity of Counseling
VI) Gray areas like collecting the documentation & expert presentation
He also added even in thematic are preparation is needed with figuring out the compartmental thing.

Need of proper documentation:
Dhaneswar Yadav, from Paeditrics department, AIIMS, emphasized on the non availability of case based documentation, in all the agencies either Hospitals or Ngos. There should be a professional documentation in all the agencies which may be instrumental for developing a tool.

Gery Pinto, said the question of professional commitment should be there as well as the exchange of knowledge and emphasized on the need of the forum from various background.

Module for the next process to be initiated:
Vikram Dutt suggested sharing with all the NGOs will bring out ¾ thematic areas or dimensions that have to be covered immediately.
Next, follow up minutes, let the care givers to come & give presentation now.

Covering the communities:
Nisha, from a Bal Vikash Dhara, brought out the issue from the grassroots perspective said that most of the problems common to the children in the community where she worked, so she emphasized the need to cover up the children living in community under the Mental Health programme. It is assured by the group that it is the part of the process and in the process of expansion the group will try to bring more and more children under the umbrella.

Classifying the positive mental health and the mental illness, Dr Deepak Gupta, Pediatric Psychiatrics, said with due precaution of not labeling the child, early identification is needed so that it should not be latter become more vulnerable.

The Basic things care takers must know before get into the service of caring in a residential institute:
I) Awareness of the possible challenges going to face while working with children
II) Acceptance of these challenges by the care taker
III) Attitude of the care taker to the children ( appreciation of the child etc)
IV) Effective communication/ right way to approach
V) Relationship with the child/ promote the child
VI) Approach of creating a limit setting to the child keeping in mind the background of the child
VII) Working with emotion( Jobs should be by choice not by personal problem)
The positive environment as well as emotional well being of the care taker is also a point to give high consideration.

Social security of the social worker:
The group also discussed on the social security scheme for social workers & various problems faced by social workers which affect their service to a great extend.

Decisions taken/ plan to move forward:
I) Documenting the areas of common concern of the NGOs/ residential homes: mailing to the Ngos/ people working in residential area to figure out the challenges they faced on Mental Health of the child
II) Preparatory work/ research before the Seminar & collection of the paperwork : Compile the outcomes to have a productive discussion on Mental Health
III) Creating awareness : Campaign by the stakeholders to make Mental Health integrated from the day one
IV) Circulation of articulated desire to work on quality mental health to all the agencies

Outcome of the discussion:
A series of workshop/ consultation will be organized by QIC & AC Delhi under the thematic leadership of Vikram Dutt .The first consultation will be held on 17.12.08 where the care takers from different NGOs and government run homes will be participated, followed by another round of consultation covering the head of organization or middle one and last round ending up with the care takers.

Tentative module of the next meeting:

A half day session on “Mental Health & JJ Act: Current programme & Challenges.” On 17.12.08
The moderator will be Mr. Geri Pinto